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August 2018 Enhancements

Our Merit Badge Counselors

The Merit Badge Counselors page now has three tabs.

Assign Badges to Merit Badge Counselor

Click the Add / Update Badges button to sign up merit badge counselors for multiple merit badges.

Merit Badges With No Counselors

A new report lists the merit badges for which you do not currently have any merit badges counselors.  It highlights the Eagle-required badges at the top, followed by all other merit badges.

Prevent Duplicate Merit Badges for MBC

The system no longer allows you to assign the same merit badge to the same merit badge counselor more than once.

Girl Scout STEM Awards

The Girl Scouts recently added a number of new STEM focused awards at all age levels.  These are all now available in TroopWebHostGS.







Update All Shirt Sizes

The Boy Scout version of TroopWebHost has two new Update All functions:

Each gives you the ability to quickly enter the shirt sizes for everyone on one page.

OA Eligibility For Future Date

You may now enter an effective date for the Order of the Arrow Eligibility reports.  This allows you to run it in advance for the date of your troop's OA election.

Both the Scout Eligibility Report and Adult Eligibility Report may be run from this same page.

New Tabs on Maintain Events

Maintain Events (aka Add and Update Events) now makes it easier to find the events you are most likely to update - those that are just about to happen and those that happened recently.

This page now has two tabs:

Deactivate a Troop Account

When your troop switches banks, you naturally create a new Troop Account.  But the Troop Account for the old bank lingers on, even after you've reconciled your last statement.

The system now allows you to deactivate the old Troop Account by clicking the Inactive checkbox, as shown below.

This will not affect any previous transactions entered for this account, but will prevent you from entering any new transactions for this account.

Exclude Leadership Positions From Our Leaders Page

You can now exclude selected positions from the Our Adult Leaders page by going to Site Configuration → Leadership Positions and updating the position you wish to exclude.  Check the checkbox circled below, then Save & Exit to save your change.

Budget Item for PayPal Fee Absorbed By Troop

Some troops choose to absorb the credit card transaction fee when parents use an on-line payment to deposit money to their scout's account.  This causes a "PayPal Fee" transaction to be generated to record this expense.

We now allow you to designate a budget item to be associated with the PayPal fee.  This will cause these fees to be automatically added to the "Actual Expense" for that budget item.

Email FROM Name Doesn't Include City

Troops have the option to include their troop name as part of the FROM name when they send e-mail from the site.  Until recently, this included the city in which the troop is based, like this: "Troop 119 Fort Myers - John Corning".

This has been changed to omit the city, so it will now appear like this: "Troop 119 - John Corning".

View Orders After Order Entry End Date

Scouts are not allowed to update their fundraiser orders after the Scout Order Entry End Date, as shown below, but they can still use the Print My Orders button to print their order detail when it's time to deliver.

Retain Original File Name

When you upload files - documents, photos, e-mail attachments - to the site, the system generates a unique file name before saving it to our server.

That name now includes the original file name, with all spaces and special characters removed.  So if the original file name was "August 2018 Agenda.docx" it will be saved on disk with a name that looks like this:


Send Us Your Questions and Suggestions

Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu.   This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!

Or simply contact us at  If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.