Odds and ends from your pal in Customer Support


Robert Baden-Powell,
long-known as the founder of Boy Scouts, also helped his sister, Agnes, in introducing Juliette Gordon Low to the idea of Girl Guides, which evolved into Girl Scouts when she brought the program to America.

Cool Web Stuff

We love this parody video by the Eagle Scouts of Troop 316 of Saugus, CA,
this month’s Website of the Month!

Tips & Tricks

Want to gather your Pack’s Bears and Webelos for a beach campout?

Need to brainstorm a bridging ceremony with the parents of your Daisies?

Is it time to round up the adult cooks who made last year’s spaghetti dinner so successful?

Think it would be cool to invite all of your Troop’s Eagle Scouts from the last 10 years to a leader’s retirement ceremony?

These are just a few of the many ways this month’s feature enhancement, Dynamic Subgroups, can make your job easier! If you haven’t yet, take a few minutes to read how it works here.

Thank you for your support!

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